Ethical Pronouncement

In recent years the world’s population has shown a greater interest in both the world around us, most especially our environment and what we have done to it. Our collective consciousness, having been so recently picked, expects the businesses we support to be ethically superior to our corporate predecessors in all of its dealings and activities.

Sax Fetish has always subscribed to a code of business ethics which we thought it high time we shared with you.

Beware though we DO NOT subscribe to the maxim that the customer is always right. Almost every single day we have such positive experiences with any number of the tens of thousands of wonderful customers we have served in the last 13 years. Regrettably some of you don’t live up to the same standards you demand of us.

The person behind the counter is there to help you. They are neither your servant nor your slave. Treat them the way you would have them treat you and you will be rewarded with the benefit of their knowledge, insight and understanding. Both Fetishist and the broader community the world over are dragged down by certain subversive subcultures of those with bad attitudes, nasty dispositions and vitriolic tongues. If that’s you, sorry we don’t want you wearing or using Sax Fetish products. Please shop elsewhere. If you feel the need to test our resolve go ahead. Your attitude not your money will buy our respect and cooperation.


First and foremost we are dedicated to manufacturing our products in Australia. In our own small way we seek to keep specialized skills as well as simply “jobs" at home. We are one of Australia’s preeminent manufacturers of leather products, not just your fetish goodies. The skills we have accumulated must be handed down to others that we employ and mentor lest they be lost to our great country altogether. For your part, as a consumer, please consider where the product you are purchasing comes from and, wherever you can, please support Australian Made / Australian Owned. After all we do it better than most others where ever they might be in the world so we all win.

Respect our prices. They have been stuck at a level that provides for fair wage for all staff and an honest exchange with our suppliers. Of course without some sort of return on capital and investment why would we be bothered. Look around you. The stores don’t resemble a Balinesse Market place so we don’t haggle, trade or “do a deal". We have an incredibly generous Loyalty scheme that rewards your spending many-fold. To allow one off discounting would be betraying the thousands who have signed up to our Preferred Pervets program.

We have carefully selected what we believe to be the best people to work at Sax Fetish. Our standards aren’t negotiable so it requires extraordinary skills and very special people. We try to give them the best available materials to work with. We are proud that we pay all staff, contractors and out-makers at fair rates and provide a flexible working environment in line with world best practices. Where we can make such enquiry we will not use out-makers or buy from suppliers who engage in exploitative treatment of their own staff. Think about it – A fair living requires prices that reflects “Australian Made" we can not and will not try to compete with “Made in China"

We believe that the brand “Sax Fetish" is and should be a respected label representing quality and true long term value. We actively chose not to wholesale to other businesses that do not share our values. We try to make the necessary enquiries so as not to buy or purchase services from those who also do not subscribe to our higher ideals or conduct themselves as anything but professional individuals or organisations. Yes you are right, this has cost us in the past and it will probably do so in the future but we are building a label that you should be proud to own.

We take individual responsibility for the ultimate satisfaction of your Sax Fetish experience. We encourage you to ask the name of the person who is assisting you. They will be the one to follow through your enquiry or request. This isn’t a large nameless, faceless organization. There are no automated telephone exchanges just real people, everyday people there to enhance the sexual lives of the everyday people we call customers.

We don’t feel the need to berate or criticise our competitors. The standard of our work is something we are extremely proud of. Every Sax Fetish product is a testament to the type of business we are. We are aware some competitor businesses feel they need to run us and others down, claim exclusivity, to be followers not leaders, innovators not copiers. We are too focused on own achievement to keep tabs on the misinformation that swirls around out there in the “scene". All we ask is that you make up your own mind and don’t be swayed by misinformed rhetoric and self laudatory mission statements that are posted to a website then promptly forgotten. From our experience those who constantly claim (often falsely) to be the first, the only or the best, often do so because their actual achievements amount to very little. Look for range, quality, design, function and value. These things speak much louder than any marketing.

We stand by the quality, cut and fit of our products so please don’t bring to us an item you have purchased elsewhere to fix, alter or otherwise improve to our standard. If it’s not exactly right don’t buy it in the first place. Don’t be bullied into buying something you are unsure about by pushy sales staff. If any of our products aren’t exactly right for you we will do everything we can to make it so. You should expect the same thing from any of our competitors. Take it back to them and hold them to account if you aren’t completely satisfied. We don’t get any satisfaction from fixing your ill-conceived Ebay or op-shop purchases so please take them elsewhere. That just isn’t what we are in business to do. Also please don’t mistreat your Sax Fetish products then claim to us that you wore it once expecting we can restore it to new. Not only are we not that stupid we don’t respect you if you don’t respect our label.

We absolutely respect the rights of the individual and the do not condone or promote the combination of excessive alcohol or illegal drugs when incorporated into sexual practice. However, you are all adults and make your choices cognizant of the consequences. You are not going to get any preachy tongue lashings on your personal morality from us.


We constantly strive to live by these ideals but, of course, there are occasions where we might sometimes fall down. Any time you think we have not lived up to our stated code of conduct please, let me know as the Managing Director of Sax Fetish I want to know. ( ) We need your feedback to keep improving. Perhaps our stated standards might help you to get more from your Sax Fetish experience.